Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Numero Uno!

Oh hello there fellow bloggers! I am now adding my valued contribution to the public sphere. There will be satire, jokes and endless photos of my quest to grab a much anticipated media oriented job when I graduate!  (and I'm sure like most social mediums, I will become thoroughly addicted)

My PR brain is saying I should put the following paragraphs first, but I will rebel. So? About me?

My name is Sarah, I am ONE subject away from graduating a Bachelor of Arts (Media Communication), majoring in PR/Media Communication at Deakin University. I love anything associated with communications, as I am half Italian... So I was naturally born into this role! I indulge in pretty much all social media platforms (Instagram is my guilty pleasure of choice), and if you're a potential employer, my facebook is squeaky clean!

I'll leave it at that for now,

xx S

1 comment:

  1. ahh. sweet blog. Keep up the writing and be HIRD! haha
